
Tuesday, 20 November 2012

BI Publisher Data Template Not Displaying French Caracers


On Oracle Applications 11i, R12.0.x
French characters are not displayed in the data file created from XML data template.
- Data extraction is happening through XML publisher Data Template. It is replacing French characters to Junk characters.
- Layout template shows proper French characters (i.e) labels are displayed properly, only dynamic data are not displayed.


The output XML file is encoded with windows-1252 even if UTF-18 is specified in the data template definition. Because of this French characters are not displayed and inverted question mark is displayed.
Droping the encoding tag from XML takes the default encoding UTF-8.
This problem is caused by wrong character set taken by the XML Data processor engine.


Download and review the readme and pre-requisites for patch - 6334584 ( you can find it on metalink or write to me and I'll send for you)

Or another Solution:

The characters require the French font files to be available within the Java Runtime Envirinment (JRE). The question mark is an indication the that the XML Publisher generator was not able to find the proper font file.
In Release 12, Copy the FRC*.ttf font files to the $OA_JRE_TOP/lib/fonts and $AF_JRE_TOP/lib/fonts directory.

You can find the FRC*.ttf font files in the $FND_TOP/resource folder.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Vlad,
    Thanks for the post.We are having similar issue in our instance. All foreign english characters in template are replaced with junk characters while generating html email even though pdf output for same job displays all characters accurately.
    Any help in the regards is appreciated.

